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I started designing packages in 2005/06 for a small design agency in Gaines, PA.

Thomas Vroman Associates gave me my first real Graphic Design job and I will always be thankful for the years I spent there. I was primarily a production artist/mockup artist for the first year but soon I was designing concepts and photo-retouching final packages for retail.


Since then, I helped develop or create packages for over 50 major global brands. I can proudly say I have probably have had a package I personally designed in almost every store in America.


H20GO!, (GLOW, SNOW, POP,) CoolerZ, Coleman, Real Tree, Fisher-Price, Hotwheels, Barbie, Spiderman, Hydro-Force, Fast Set, NHL, Highlights, Swim Safe, Bonk Outs, Power Steel, Up In & Over, Hydro Splash, Hydro Swim, Hydro Pro, Hydro-Force, Pro Steel, Chuck & Friends, Tonka, Playskool, Littlest Pet Shop, Play-Doh, G.I. Joe, Marvel Wolverine, Avengers, Transformers, Baby Alive, Sid the Science Kid, In the Night Garden, Nerf, Disney Princesses, Disney, Frozen, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Mickey Mouse, Fur Real Friends, Spiderman, Doc McStuffins, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Mr. Potato Head, Wheel Pals, Angry Birds, Kota and Pals, Martian Matter, Pyrex, Corelle, CorningWare, EKCO, Revere Pots and Pans, Magnalite, and Chicago Cutlery.


Tumblin' Chuck was one of my favorite packages I helped develop while at Hasbro.
We called it... 
The Chucktagon!

Our goal was to create a unique package that could easily show the toys' main feature: A truck that can perform somersaults! When placed on a shelf, Tumblin' Chuck could be placed at 8 different angles creating an illusion of TUMBLIN'.

Llama H2ogo.gif
Payload Pool.gif
AA Global.gif
H2ogo pop beachball.gif
H2OGO Snow.gif
Coleman 2020 pool.gif
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